
Jay’s Daughter is Back, Throwing Another Terrible Two Tantrum [VIDEO]
Jay’s Daughter is Back, Throwing Another Terrible Two Tantrum [VIDEO]
Jay’s Daughter is Back, Throwing Another Terrible Two Tantrum [VIDEO]
  You may remember a month ago I posted a video where my daughter, River, was fake crying. So I called her a "Faker." I quickly learned she hates that word, and threw a tantrum that included her first cuss word. Watch that video here. She's back, throwing better tantrums than ever! This time, there are no cuss words (thankfully). We do have a shoe throw and a "CALM DOWN." Read
This Six Year Old is Upset Because He Can’t Get Married
This Six Year Old is Upset Because He Can’t Get Married
This Six Year Old is Upset Because He Can’t Get Married
After re-watching the video, I realize now that my title of this post doesn't quite do this justice. This little guy throws an ALL OUT TANTRUM because he can't get married. C'mon man, you're time will come! Enjoy the single life! Eat Cheetos half naked on the couch...