I am still evolving into my final adult form. I finally have my own place. I am in charge of taking care of my bills. I moved away from my family. I am becoming an adult, and with that I have realized somethings. Several things from when I was younger I thought were true, but now I am realizing they are not.

  • Not all friendships last.

In high school I had this illusion that the friends I had will continue to be my friends when I got older. That isn't always true. Friends split ways and go to different colleges. They find new friends and create their lives. It is hard to come to terms with but it is reality. I am lucky to have a few friends from high school, and one that I will have for life.

  • It is okay if you don't land your "dream job."

Work will feel like work at times, no matter how awesome your job is. This is normal. It can  take time some time trying to find out what job you want and what you will make you happy, but when you do go for your dreams. And if you don't get that dream job that is okay. Just keep swimming.

  • Priorities will change.

And that is perfectly fine. Life has a funny way of taking the reigns and changing your focus. You could be focused on your job, your family, or achieving financial stability. It is okay to have a focus and then change it. When I was 16, I thought it was super important that I made Captain of the drill team. Now, I just want to pay my bills on time and take care of my fur-babies.

  • It can always be worse.

Don't get lost in the idea that the grass is always greener on the other side. Love what you have and help others when you can.

  • You are stronger than you think. 

There will be times when life beats you up and then kicks you again when you feel that you have fallen to your lowest, but you will survive. You will make it through. You are strong.

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