Carl Pettit

The 5 Best Santa Clauses on Film
Santa Claus, who without a doubt really does exist, doesn’t have time to make a personal appearance in every Hollywood movie about Christmas ever made. Instead, he relies on a number of talented actors to portray him on the silver screen.

5 Fun and Unusual Ways to Decorate Your Christmas Tree
Globes and angels and stars are fine, but for the folks who like to be a little more imaginative with their Christmas-tree decorations—whether from boredom or budget—we’ve come up with a list of five unusual ways to help get the creative wheels in your noggin spinning:

How to Survive a Shark Attack – Last Man Standing
Some people (naming no names here) spend an awful lot of time worrying about shark attacks. While statistically, the chance of a carnivorous fish ripping a huge chunk of meat off your body is pretty slim, it does happen on occasion. Most sharks aren’t really interested in human beings, but a few of them do like to take a nibble, or a whopping big bite now and again. The top culprits are, in order

What’s the Real Story Behind the History of Mother’s Day?
There seems to be a holiday for every member of the family these days, but none is probably more important than Mother’s Day.
What daughter or son would dare forget the woman who gave birth to them? With that in mind, here are a few historical tidbits about the origins of Mother’s Day.

The Real Story Behind Throwing Rice at Weddings
When a newly married couple exits a church, a synagogue, a courthouse or wherever they’ve just tied the knot, people often shower them with rice (not the sticky kind, of course). Most of us have seen this in the movies or in real life.
If you’re wondering how this grain-throwing tradition came about, don’t fret. We’re going to tell you.

What’s the Real Story Behind April Fool’s Day?
It’s that time of year again, when you have to watch out for tricksters. April Fool’s Day is the perfect excuse for any prankster in your immediate area to practice his or her craft.
So, what’s the real story behind the origins of this, um, ‘holiday?’ Well, it’s no joke — there are many possible explanations.