Charles Bramesco

Holiday Movies on Netflix: What to Watch When You’re Bored Out of Your Mind at Home With Your Family
Home with your family this Thanksgiving? Here’s the best stuff to watch on Netflix.

‘The Grinch’ Understands the Meaning of Christmas, But Not the Meaning of the Grinch
The latest version of the Dr. Seuss classic gets the meaning of Christmas, but not the meaning of its title character.

Angelina Jolie Taking a Year of Me-Time After Newest Feature
The noted actress/director is going to decompress from a ‘family situation’ for a bit before getting back behind the camera.

Taika Waititi Names Queen and ‘Flash Gordon’ as Influences for ‘Thor: Ragnarok’
He wanted something that could capture the feeling of a “colorful cosmic adventure.”

‘The Witch’ Director to Get His Fangs Back in Anya Taylor-Joy on ‘Nosferatu’ Remake
Robert Eggers’ remake of the silent horror classic will reunite him with his original star.

Robert Pattinson Was Almost Fired From ‘Twilight’ For Not Smiling Enough
The actor related an absurd anecdote from his vampire years in a recent interview with Howard Stern.

Felicity Jones Pirouettes Into Cast of Luca Guadagnino’s ‘Swan Lake’
All of a sudden, everybody wants a piece of Luca Guadagnino. The Italian arthouse filmmaker found crossover success with his English-language drama A Bigger Splash (and gave Dakota Johnson the first role of her career actually worthy of her talents) and was crowned the informal king of Sundance for his reportedly outstanding romance Call Me By Your Name. Never one to rest on his laurels, Guadagnino’s currently hard at work on a remake of Italian horror classic Suspiria with Johnson, Tilda Swinton, and Chloe Grace-Moretz, but he won’t even rest on the laurels he’s yet to claim, either.

‘Eyes of My Mother’ Director to Get His Hooks in ‘The Grudge’ Reboot
Not a whole lot of people ended up seeing last year’s minimalist horrorshow The Eyes of My Mother, but most of those who did were suitably impressed. Director Nicolas Pesce’s stripped-down approach to small-town sadism earned the respect of the juries at Sundance and the same set of horror purists who made The Witch an out-of-nowhere hit. An emerging artist with a clearly defined sense of style, Pesce stuck out as a talent to watch, and those who had kept tabs on the director will be pleased to see he’s landed his next gig. And you may already be familiar with his next project, too.

Elizabeth Banks-Led ‘Charlie’s Angels’ Reboot Now Slated for Summer 2019
As noted in a new item at Variety today, Sony has been on something of a roll when it comes to getting female talent behind the camera. They’ve put together a respectable slate of films directed by women: Catherine Hardwicke was tapped to translate narco thriller Miss Bala for American audiences, Broad City mastermind Lucia Aniello wrote-directed the upcoming bachelorette-shenanigans comedy Rough Night, Michelle MacLaren landed the Sam Claflin-led thriller Nightingale, and perhaps most intriguingly of all, Elizabeth Banks has taken her next directorial project with a reboot of Charlie’s Angels. And for the latter two, today brings concrete news of impending developments.

New ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Posters and Trailer Bite Style From ‘Iron Man’
The prevailing message of the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming has been that of novelty. This will be a fresh take on the Peter Parker mythos, making him younger than ever, sticking him in the treacherous social minefield of high school, and assigning him a lovably bratty irreverence more in-step with the comic-book original. Plus, Aunt May is young and hot now! But while Marvel and Sony’s advertising has gone to great lengths to assure audiences that this will not be their father’s Spider-Man (and it definitely won’t be the Andrew Garfield one we’re all psychologically working to repress), there is one respect in which this production is business as usual.

George A. Romero Readying Another ‘Living Dead’ Zombie Movie
George A. Romero has fully laid claim to the dominion of all things Dead — whether that’s Night of the Living, Dawn of the, Day of the, Land of the, Diary of the, or Survival of the. The elder statesman of horror cinema has no intention of resting on his laurels, however. Perhaps riding the wave of renewed interest in Night of the Living Dead that accompanied its gorgeous restoration last year, Romero has announced plans for a new addition to the ever-expanding of the Dead universe. And it looks like his new breed of zombies have a need for speed.

‘Avengers 3’ and ‘Avengers 4’ Will Each Be Their Own Thing
Never lacking in ambition (at least when it comes to the expanding frontiers of branding and marketing), Marvel boldly announced back in 2015 that the third film in the Avengers series would be unlike those that came before it. At the time of the project’s initial reveal, Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige clarified his plans to split Avengers: Infinity War into two parts that would be released independent of one another. This was cause for great excitement, as moviegoers love nothing more than to shell out for two separate tickets just for the privilege of waiting up to a year to see the conclusion of a self-contained story. Incredibly, however, Feige backpedaled on that can’t-fail proposition shortly thereafter, amending their plans to separate Avengers 3 1 and Avengers 3 2 into the simpler Avengers 3 and Avengers 4.