Danny Gallagher

Jimmy Fallon and Justin Bieber Get Into an ‘Awesome-Off’ to See Who’s Awesomer
Since the dawn of Hollywood, celebrities have developed long standing, intense rivalries that raged until their dying days. Now we have a new one, and it’s awesome.

Will Smith’s Son Jaden Actually Asked Obama If Aliens Really Exist
If you had the chance to borrow the ear of a real sitting U.S. president and could only ask him one question that every American was dying to know the truth about, what would it be? Will Smith’s oldest son Jaden got that chance, and completely failed.

13 Reasons Why You Won’t Be Getting a Mother’s Day Gift
Mother’s Day is just around the corner. That means if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to start figuring out how you’re gonna win your mom’s affection, or if you’re the mother, how you’re gonna guilt your children into showing them how much they care about you.
Some mommies, however, won’t be getting a gift or brunch in bed and not because their kids forgot that it’s Mother’s Day.

13 Signs You’re Way Too Into ‘Marvel’s Avengers’
It’s safe to say that Marvel’s ‘The Avengers‘ will explode the minds of every comic book geek who ever walked the planet when it hits theaters on May 4th. Not only is it going to rake in a ton of money, but it’s bound to make the receipts for ‘The Hunger Games’ and the last ‘Twilight’ movie look like the penny tray at a gas station.
Theaters are going to be packed to the brim with fanboys dressed

7 Things You Should Know About the Kentucky Derby
One of the sporting world’s most anticipated events is the Kentucky Derby, set to open its gates this Saturday for the 138th running of the classic race, making it the oldest sporting event in American sports history.

Gwyneth Paltrow Can’t Name One Sexual Position
Gwyneth Paltrow, Zoe Saldana and Sarah Silverman all appear on the upcoming Lifetime ladies yap fest ‘The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet.’ The host, who is not hard too look at, asks a question that none of stars were too shy to answer: what is your favorite sexual position?

Stacy Keibler Gives Us A Sneak Peek of Her Men’s Fitness Cover Shoot
It’s been a long time since Men’s Fitness put a woman on the cover of their magazine. Seeing this former WWE starlet more than makes up for that.

What Industry Has the Highest Unemployment Rate?
It goes without saying that times are tough, but it’s been on some than others.

$1 Million Lottery Winner Also Wins Welfare Fraud Charges for Remaining on Food Stamps
Money may not buy happiness, but it just might buy you a whole heap of trouble.
One Michigan lotto winner discovered that firsthand after she was arraigned on two felony counts of welfare fraud.

President Obama’s Twitter Account Follows ‘Celebrity Sideboob’
Talk about a stimulus package!

Need an Excuse to Exercise? Try Running From a Horde of Zombies
One of the hardest things for a guy to do is start an exercise regimen. What you need to get yourself off the couch and moving is some kind of motivation. We may have found the perfect tool: the undead.

Why Are Kids Playing ‘The Choking Game’?
Kids have always been good at inventing their own playground games.
One game, however, has proven to be quite dangerous for the little guys and gals. It goes by a dozen different names, but it can best be described as the ‘choking game.’