Visit the official XXL staff contact page here to see all current employees. No one from XXL would ever ask you for money in exchange for coverage on our site, in our magazine, or on our social networking accounts. If someone reaches out to you from an Instagram account that isn’t @XXL or an email address that isn’t from and asks you to pay cover coverage, it's a scam.
XXL Staff
Tyga and Avril Lavigne Kiss, Confirm Dating at Paris Fashion Week Event
Confirmed with a kiss.
Ice Spice and Pete Davidson Dating?
Are Ice Spice and Pete Davidson a couple?
Video Appears to Confirm Drake Was Detained by Swedish Police
So, it actually happened?
Hip-Hop Slang Dictionary for All the References You Need
A guide for the uninformed.
Nicki Minaj Changes Twitter Profile Photo to City Girls’ JT, Cardi B Changes Hers to Remy Ma
The tea is boiling tonight.
Eminem in His Own Words – His Place in Hip-Hop, Battle With Addiction and Praising J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar
Eminem celebrates XXL’s 25th anniversary with a look back at his illustrious career in his own words.
Exclusive – Eminem Writes His Own Cover Story for XXL Magazine’s 25th Anniversary Issue
Eminem graces the cover of XXL magazine's fall 2022 issue in celebration of the brand's 25th anniversary.
DaBaby’s New Orleans Show Canceled Due to Low Ticket Sales – Report
Never a good look.
Here Are 53 of the Most Brutal Diss Lines in Rap History
In rap beef, rappers like to get brutal with their lyrics.
Frank Ocean Trends After He Posts Nude Photo on Instagram
That's one way to promote something.