Let me start this off by saying I'm pretty awesome at a bunch of stuff. I can play video games extremely well and, I'm pretty handy at ping pong. The list doesn't stop there but for time purposes, I'll go ahead and quit listing my skills (plus, that's pretty much it).

So, it pains me to admit that I am not extremely great at picking out new clothes for myself. To be honest, if it was up to me I'd wear a Star Wars t-shirt every single day of the week. But, that's just not going to cut it for things like court, weddings, and bar mitzvahs.

My lovely wife Tracy signed me up for a clothes club for men called Five Four.  It's like a lot of subscription services out there, once a month you get a package in the mail full of items that have been picked out for you based on your initial selections. In theory it sounds very cool.  So, I was pretty excited about getting my first package. It came in the mail today!

Brandon Michael - TSM

First off, the package was super sleek and black. That's the way I like it. Awww yeah.

Brandon Michael - TSM

This time, the selections were a button-up long-sleeve shirt with a cool brown and blue plaid - like pattern and a very cool Collegiate style zip-up sweater. Both the sweater and the shirt fit very well, so I tip my hat to the sizing process on the website.  Also, my cat Oreo really enjoyed the package as well. Seriously, all he enjoyed was the package - he crawled up in it and went to sleep.

Brandon Michael - TSM

As an added bonus, I got these bad boys up here for the price of no charge at all.  Plus, as an introductory offer, I got 35% off! So, all in all it was a pretty good deal - clocking in at about 39 bucks.

Brandon Michael - TSM - lookin' fly

The bottom line is, if you got a hard-to-buy-for person on your list this Christmas season, this is actually a pretty cool service. If the price point is too high for you, there are tons of other subscription services out there. What I like about it, is that it keeps on giving the year round.



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