Bhad Bhabie Says She Was Abused and Malnourished at Treatment Center for Troubled Teens
Bhad Bhabie is coming forward about the alleged abuse she endured at Turn-About Ranch, a treatment center for troubled teens in Utah, after another teen woman sued the ranch because she claims she was sexually assaulted there.
On Sunday (Feb. 28), Bhab Bhabie detailed her claims of abuse, including being "malnourished, abused and having to do hard labor and being there while someone was murdered," that went on during her stay at the treatment center in an Instagram post. The 17-year-old rapper shared a video of 19-year-old Hannah Archuleta, who discussed the alleged sexual assault she experienced from a male staff member at Turn-About Ranch in 2019. Archuleta, who came forward with the accusations in February of this year, says she was taken against her will to Turn-About Ranch after she appeared on the Dr. Phil show on Oct. 22, 2019, when she was 17 years old.
"Turn about ranch treatment facility punished this young lady Hannah for reporting that one of their staff members assaulted her," Bhad Bhabie wrote in the caption of the video for her Instagram post. "Keep in mind when your at this program you can NOT have any contact at all with your parents nor able to use a phone this girl couldn’t even call the police if she tried. There’s been a Murder at this facility, reports of torture and now a report of sexual abuse and dr. Phil still continues to send trouble children here even after knowing this stuff has happened at this facility. This makes my blood boil. I went through being malnourished, abused , and having to do hard labor and being there while someone was murdered. I came back with more trauma then I went there with."
The "Gucci Flip Flops" rapper urged for the immediate shutdown of Turn-About Ranch, which has listed on its website that the center “is frequently featured on Dr. Phil’s TV show.”
"I was sent to this place to get help. Hannah went to this place to get help what she got was the complete opposite @turnabout_ranch needs to be SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY and staff should receive consequences for how they treat helpless children," Bhad Bhabie continued. "THESE CHILDREN ARE HELPESS THEY CANT CONTACT THEIR PARENTS. They can’t tell them what’s going on the ranch takes advantage of that. If children don’t listen to them they don’t even let them use a proper rest room or eat real food they separate them from the other children , force them to sit in a desk facing a wall, make them do hard labor , use a porta potty , eat peanut butter sandwiches and cold ramen, sit it below freezing temperatures , pick weeds and put together over 20 piles of horse manure with a wheelbarrow. How is punishing children supposed to help them become better!!??"
Archuleta said that during his first two weeks at the center, "a male staff member came up behind me and suddenly grabbed my butt." She also claims that she didn't initially tell another staff member at Turn-About for fear of being punished. Archuleta maintains that there was a second incident with the same male staff member, who touched her behind again and her vaginal area when she was reaching up for a cabinet. Once she confided in female staff members about the alleged assault, Archuleta claims she was retaliated against.
According to New York Daily News, Archuleta, who is repped by lawyer Gloria Allred, filed a lawsuit against Turn-About Ranch in Utah’s 6th Judicial Court. She is demanding compensatory and punitive damages for assault, battery, emotional distress and other related accusations.
“We think it is long overdue for Turn-About Ranch to be held accountable for what happened to Hannah when she was there,” Allred said.
XXL has reached out to Turn-About Ranch and reps for Dr. Phil for comment.
See video of Hannah Archuleta's claims and Bhad Bhabie's Instagram post below.
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