Bossier City 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony Goes Virtual This Year

If you were planning to attend the 9/11 Remembrance ceremony this year, but were still iffy about crowds - technology has come the rescue again! The City of Bossier City and the Chamber of Commerce are determined to push forward with plans to honor the lives lost during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. This year, those that wish to attend the event can do so in person - or by joining the Chamber of Commerce's Facebook Livestream.
According to the ArkLaTex Homepage, the annual event will be held at Liberty Garden on Benton Road between Police and Fire Departments starting at 9 a.m. You can either show up in person, or by logging to the live stream here.
We vowed as a country to never forget that day, or the men and women that died that day. 2,977 people died, and more than 6000 were injured that day.
I'll never forget where I was on 9/11. I was working at a TV station in Tyler, Texas when the first plane hit. I was a Master control (big switcher) operator when the special report came across. I thought I had hit the wrong button, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. This is how I found out (Warning, this is a video of the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York as they unfolded live. If you have never seen this before, it is not easy to see):
9/11 in Photos: May We Never Forget
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