Have a Drink on Anna Kendrick, Will Ferrell and More in The Funniest Celebrity Beer Commercials
What do Clydesdale horses, frogs and dogs have in common with Anna Kendrick, Will Ferrell, Harrison Ford and Jessica Alba? They all want to sell you a frosty brew.
In honor of National Beer Day (April 7), we're taking a look at some of the world's weirdest, wildest and funniest beer commercials starring our favorite celebrities. Get turnt below—just make sure you have a designated driver.
Newcastle almost had a Super Bowl ad in which Anna Kendrick took a chance on herself trying to be "beer commercial" hot... while also getting a fat paycheck. It didn't work out though, and Anna monologues on her "mild" disappointment.
More recently, you might recall Benicio Del Toro starring in some Heineken commercials in which nothing ever goes his way. Perhaps none is more self-deprecating than one where he lets viewers know he's an everyman that must deal with fame... only to have people wanting his picture confusing him with another famous actor.
Bud Light's "Up for Whatever" campaign had an incredible lead up while maintaining an air of secrecy. While the commercial promised one unsuspecting gentleman would be up for a night of random encounters with the likes of Don Cheadle, Minka Kelly and Arnold Schwarzenegger, it's hard to believe all of this happened without the target knowing what was up.
Ah yes, the first foreign ad on our list features none other than Han Solo and Indiana Jones himself, Harrison Ford. Kirin Lager tapped the actor a long time ago to be the face of its beer, with each ad being a bit more ridiculous than the last. This one where he gets lost in the jungle while his Japanese friends wait for him to bring them beer is arguably the strangest.
Bud Light frequently taps celebrities to hype its brand of beverage, though few aren't simply appearing as themselves in Bud's ads. Will Ferrell, who is no stranger to beer ads, reprises his role of Jackie Moon from Semi-Pro to impress upon viewers the virtues of drinking Bud Light. It's not what anyone involved asked for, as you can tell from the number of takes it took to get things even kind of right.
Foreign beer ads are often a bit more abstract in their approach to selling you beer, but this Jessica Alba ad for Tiger is fairly straightforward. She's holding a press conference, and some normal bloke who wants to ask her out tricks the press into leaving by saying David Beckham is down at the hotel bar. Sure. That's a thing that would probably work.
Okay, this Charlie Sheen Bavaria commercial is a little bit awkward. After leaving rehab—because he's Charlie Sheen, get it?—the actor can't help but see people having a drink everywhere he goes. Poking fun at alcoholism is a very strange track to take, but the punchline is almost worth it. Just barely.
American Coors Light ads have traditionally been (arguably) bland, but elsewhere, you'll find the likes of Jean Claude Van-Damme expressing his mulleted-love for the crisp taste of the Rocky Mountains. Sure, his nipples might be talking to him and his pants might be a little too tight, but even those things won't stop JCVD from enjoying the "Silver Bullet."
Anderson Silva is one of the greatest mixed martial arts fighters of all time. Steven Segal is not, but uses his legacy to at least make it sound like he knows more martial arts than he likely does. For some reason, Budweiser Brazil teamed the duo up for an ad hyping a UFC bout, with call outs to Kill Bill, Enter the Dragon and Rocky IV. It's sure something.
Another unlikely pairing, San Miguel teamed up Jet Li and Manny Pacquiao for one of its ads. In it, a beautiful woman wants a San Miguel, but the bar is out for some reason. Hearing that she may have to change her order, Jet Li flips and flies all over the establishment to snag a few remaining bottles from other customers. Manny Pacquiao just watches Jet Li rudely steal the beers.
In this Dutch ad, Jennifer Aniston has just a tiny bit of trouble reaching the Heineken on the top shelf. A guy nearby notices and saunters over to give the actress a hand—or at least that's what we're supposed to believe. Instead of being nice and chivalrous, the jerk takes the beers for himself, leaving Jen empty-handed.
Lucy Liu rides a bike up the side of a building hocking Diet Suntori. That's it. That's really all there is to this ad, which neither explains why she was cycling up the skyscaper or why there was a fridge full of diet beer at the top. She seems happy at least, so she's got that going for her.
Ohhh, yeah! John Madden goes full Kool-Aid Man in this classic Miller Lite ad. Madden hasn't been a fixture of football for a long time, save for having his name attached to the popular video game series. Back in the day though, Madden was everywhere when it came to the NFL, and his boisterous personality shines through in this commercial.
Before becoming the hipster brew of choice around the world, Pabst Blue Ribbon was the working man's beer. It was also the disco stud's beer as this 1979 ad starring Patrick Swayze shows. Nothing gets in the way of a good boogie down than disco fever, and the only prescription is more PBR.
While not technically a beer ad, this Seagrams ad starring Bruce Willis during his '80s heyday is something we couldn't resist sharing. Wine coolers were the hip thing to drink 30 years ago, and nothing proves that more than Bruce Willis dancing in the neon streets with an entourage of women. This has to be one of the weirdest things Bruce has ever done, and it's a stark contrast to the actor's relatively serious persona today.
Another bonus one, this ad for Bavaria doesn't feature any actual celebrities, but instead posits the idea that Tupac, Kurt Cobain, Bruce Lee, John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis are all living peacefully in the tropics. The secluded island is just what these dead-too-soon stars need to enjoy a cold brew without the hassle of people knowing they're alive. It's a little creepy, but also a tad bit charming.
Did we miss any of your favorite celebrity beer commercials? Pour one out and let us know in the comments!
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