Beautiful person and rumored Sean Penn ghost-er Charlize Theron says it’s a burden to be so universally appealing. Theron is no mere pretty person, after all — she is a tall, thin, blonde, white, talented Oscar winner. And while her looks may earn her an occasional free drink at Starbucks or a multi-million dollar ad campaign or whatever, in Hollywood it’s more of a hindrance than a help, she says.

“Jobs with real gravitas go to people that are physically right for them and that’s the end of the story,” she said during an interview with British GQ, disrupting every notion anyone's ever had of how beauty hierarchy works in Hollywood, a notoriously superficial and looks-based industry.

“How many roles are out there for the gorgeous, f—king, gown-wearing eight-foot model? When meaty roles come through, I’ve been in the room and pretty people get turned away first.”

Other actresses have expressed similar unhappiness with their genetics in the past, with Jessica Biel admitting in an interview with PEOPLE that she's often passed up for roles that go to hideous actresses like Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman.

It sounds like quite the ordeal, you know? Imagine being so beautiful Dior will drape you in gold and shimmer and pay you an exorbitant amount of money to advertise their fragrances in luxurious 50-second commercials. There's no artistry in it! If only Theron were willing to uglify herself for daily life and not just the 2003 movie Monster, perhaps she'd be offered a second Oscar-winning role.

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