Chicago Jail Inmates Can Now Order Pizza To Their Cell
The Cook County Jail in Chicago now has a pizza delivery service provided by fellow prisoners with pizzas ranging from $5-$7. The proceeds from the pizzas go towards a program called "Recipe for Change". The program is designed to help with inmate self esteem and teach them how to cook so they've learned a trade when released.
The program was originally setup for the inmates to cook for the guards but the guards didn't trust the food so they've now allowed the other inmates to order the pizzas. The program kicked off April 20th an so far has sold over 200 pizzas.
The ultimate goal is to start a food truck where the inmates can sell their pizzas to the public. While the idea of teaching an inmate a useful trade they can use after jail is a great one something just seems strange about ordering a pizza to your jail cell. I used to get in trouble all the time in high school for having pizzas delivered to class!