City of Shreveport Launches Website to Track Police Reform

In order to comply with the public's outcry for more transparency in the police department's affairs, the city of Shreveport has launched an online tool to track police reform in the Ratchet City.
In the wake of George Floyd's death seemingly at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis, communities across the United States have cried out for more oversight from police departments many claim to be too heavy handed - especially when it comes to people of color. According to the Ark-La-Tex Homepage, Mayor Adrian Perkins announced that WeHearYouShreveport.com was now live online and ready to help citizens understand the changes taking place in the Shreveport Police Department.
The website lays out the use of force policy changes, body camera and open dialog initiative, and more - and it is open to anyone and everyone who wants to check it out. Heavily influenced by the mayor and Chief of Police Ben Raymond office, the site looks to peel back the curtain on how our police force is responding to local and national pressure to address issues like training and the use of controversial techniques like choke-holds, racial profiling, prosecution and more.
The site also serves as a sounding board for Shreveporters concerned about how the police are handling themselves. In a way, it will give those most concerned a voice and a direct line to those who claim to want to change things for the better.
PHOTOS: Protests around the world in the wake of George Floyd's death
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