Divorced Pastor Gives Couples a Reality Check
It has started to happen more often than I care to admit. I am addicted to my phone. I come up with excuses as to why I am on my phone. If I leave my phone at home, I feel anxious. Could my phone addiction be ruining my relationship? Why am I not focusing on my "gift"?
Tony Russell is a man that I admire, he used to be a pastor and in all honesty, he's the kind of leader I would want to have premarital counseling with. I admire his transparency and his genuine love for people. After reading Tony's message I am going to keep my phone in my bag when I go out to dinner. I will ask my partner how his day went, I will make my partner my priority. Thanks for the reality check, Tony.
"As a single guy of three years now who has made a lot of mistakes, I’d just like to say something to couples. When you go to dinner put your phones away. You have something worth focusing on right in front of you. Someone you DON’T want to lose. Someone who craves your love and attention. Someone who is invaluable!
Our land of swiping left and right has enough people in it...I don’t want to see you show up! We have plenty of folks who were either playing “second fiddle” to a phone or making it a priority. We have plenty of folks who felt neglected. We have plenty of amazing people who are walking around with a lonely heart. We have many who stay awake at night wishing they could have those dinners to do over! There are countless of us just praying for a second chance...to have what you have right in front of you. So put down the phone because we don’t need you. We are good...we have enough brokenness to wade through.
This all came to me tonight as I ate alone and watched some of you amazingly beautiful people stare at an ugly phone when a gift from God sat in front of you. And yes I too once cherished that phone, but please...please cherish the gift you’ve been given. Love the gift. Flirt with the gift. Ask the gift about their day. And it’s very likely you will take the gift home and unwrap it, and better yet...you’ll wake up next to that precious gift in the morning.
Love ya,
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