Easter Is A Sweet Time For One Louisiana Candy Maker
If you grew up in the Gulf South of these United States you've probably seen one of these treats in your basket on Easter Sunday. They are the treats made by Elmer Chocolate. A family owned confectioner business that was started in New Orleans in 1855. As the company grew and was eventually sold to its current owners, the Nelson family, the chocolatier moved from New Orleans to Ponchatula.
What you and I and countless millions of other southern born and bread children know about Elmer Chocolates is their delicious Easter treats. The Gold Brick Egg from Elmer Chocolates was one of my favorites to find on Easter Sunday. The company calls this their "gold standard of yummy-ness". The egg was wrapped in a golden wrapper so the person doing the unwrapping would feel "rich". In the post depression South any feeling that wasn't of poverty was a good one.
Other favorites from the Elmer Chocolate family include the Heavenly Hash Eggs and the Pecan Eggs. The Heavenly Hash recipe combines double rich milk chocolate and light fluffy marshmallow. While the Pecan Egg features a creamy nougat and it's covered with pecans. What makes this egg unique is it's the only Elmer Egg that doesn't feature chocolate.
Why are Elmer Chocolate Eggs such a big part of Easter in the South? Elmer CEO Robert Nelson told WGNO TV in a story they reported last year,
People grew up with Elmer's in their Easter baskets when they were children, they want to do that for their children, it's something they pass on so it's a family event, an occasion within the family. There's nobody alive who wasn't born when Elmer's was available so it's been around their entire life.
So for anyone who has ever celebrated Easter from Houston TX To Pensacola FL or Shreveport LA to Jackson MS there's good news. Chances are some of the tens of millions of eggs produced by the Elmer Chocolate Company of Ponchatula will find their way to your Easter basket Sunday morning.
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