Emojis Now Acceptable on License Plates in Australia
If you think it's just the Australian flag, think again.
There's an ongoing joke about the ongoing love affair we have with emojis. It's the idea that humans began communicating with with hieroglyphics (pictures) before a more sophisticated for of languages came about with symbols (letters). Fast forward to 2019 and we're getting closer and closer to eliminating letters altogether to go right back to the pictures.
Australia just took a major step in that direction with emoji license plates.
Drivers in Queensland are now able to put an emoji on their license plate, in addition to any letter and number combination. A pre-approved selection of five emojis will be available on March 1 for registered vehicles. If you travel down under this year, there's a good chance you'll see a smiling emoji, a laugh out loud face, a wink face, a sunglasses-wearing emoji, or a heart-eyes emoji.
If you could put any emoji on your license plate, which would you choose?
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