Expert Dental Tips and FAQs
1. Once enamel is diminished, it can never be replaced. Schedule regular dental exams to protest the health of your teeth.
2. A new study suggest that black coffee can help fight tooth decay.
3. Nearly 3 out of 4 people believe an unattractive smile can hinder a career.
4. New study suggests that red wine, with or without alcohol may be able to prevent cavities.
5. Failing to maintain good oral health could lead to the risk of heart attach or other problems.
6. Did you know the toothbrush was introduced in 1938
FAQs Answered By The Dental Expert:
1. Does bleaching damage the teeth?
No. When carbamide peroxide, the active whitening agent, contacts water, hydrogen peroxide is released which whitens the teeth. Bleaching does not soften, demineralize or weaken the teeth.
2. What causes tooth decay?
Tooth decay is caused by plaque in your mouth reacting with sugary and starchy deposits from food. This reaction produces acid which damages the enamel over time and weakens the tooth.
3. How can I stop grinding my teeth at night?
Grinding your teeth can be very damaging to the teeth and also difficult to stop. If vigorous grinding occurs at night, teeth can be worn down to the gumline because the instinctive reflex to stop does not work while you are sleeping. Grinding due to stress can only be cured by removing the stress trigger. If grinding continues, a