Inside Look At The New Shreveport Aquarium (Pics)
The Shreveport Aquarium is starting to come to life as the large tanks are full and slowly creatures are going in. Now it's important they don't rush and just put the fish into the tanks because they won't be able to survive right now. Bachtera is the first thing to be added into the tanks to help with oxygen and PH balance of the water.
The dome as you can see in the pictures below is being turned into a Bayou with the trees being planted earlier this week! Now they're working on the waterfall to really make the dome area a special place. SALT Restaurant is putting the final touches on everything with the outside patio looking amazing.
They're expecting to open their doors later this month just waiting for all the permits and final touches to be complete! Don't forget individual season passes are only $46 which you can get HERE!