Is Cohousing What Can Save Single Mothers Sanity in Louisiana?
I would not have been able to purchase the home I own without the help of my partner. As much as I want to pretend that I am very self-sufficient there were a lot of things that made me rely on my partner to even be approved to own a home. Being single and purchasing a home on your own is tough.
How Many Americans Own Their Own Home?
According to Statista.com homeownership is on the rise in the U.S. "The homeownership rate in the United States amounted to 65.8 percent in 2020."
Only 31% of Single Mothers Own Their Own Home
Although we may be celebrating the fact that homeownership is on the rise in the U.S., only 31% of single mothers own the home they live in according to Redfin.com.
How are Single Mothers Finding Ways to Thrive?
I recently read an Insider.com article about a single mother who could not afford to purchase a home on her own. So this mother enlisted the help of a good friend who was also a single mother to purchase a home together. They decided to "cohouse" in order to obtain the dream of owning a home.
What is Cohousing and Why are So Many People Jumping in on This Trend?
According to the woman who was interviewed by Insider.com she claims that the "benefits outweigh drawbacks by a factor of infinity". The woman claims that the
benefits of her "housing arrangement are immeasurable." Think about it, built-in babysitting, carpooling, potlucks, sharing expenses and the list of benefits go on.
Could Cohousing Be What Single Mothers in Louisiana Need to Thrive?
With the number of single mothers not being able to purchase a home is cohousing the only way they can purchase a home?
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