It's no surprise to anybody who knows me, that I go crazy for October and Halloween. I've said it many times, there is a lot to love. First, the cooler weather feels excellent after that brutal Texas summer we've just had. Football is in full swing. The holidays are coming, and the first one that gets up warmed up? Halloween.

Sure, the fall festivals are great, the carnivals, trunk or treats, and all of the Halloween parties. But, the thing that adds to the season for me is horror movies. Not just any, but the classics. The ones we originally saw at the drive-in movies or midnight showings in a pitch-black theatre. These are the movies that scarred many of us growing up. If you're a lover of Halloween and want to get in the mood, keep scrolling but beware, these could cause some major creepouts and nightmares.

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The Shining

Photo: Warner Brothers Studios
Photo: Warner Brothers Studios

"Here's Johnny!" Such a classic line. A defining film not only for Jack Nicholson but also for Steven King.


The Omen

Photo: 20th Century Fox
Photo: 20th Century Fox

Talk about the sheer evil that opens up on a family, this is it.


The Amityville Horror

Photo: Professional Films Inc.
Photo: Professional Films Inc.

Anytime an evil story is based on true happenings, that makes it extra creepy. This film is based on the DeFeo family murders.


Motel Hell

Photo: MGM
Photo: MGM

Alright, so I had to have one low-budget B-movie on the list but this one will make your skin crawl.


The Changeling

Photo: Chessman Park Productions
Photo: Chessman Park Productions

Ok, I'll admit it. This one got me good growing up. I still have a fear of wells. George C. Scott is amazing.



The Exorcist

Photo: Warner Brothers
Photo: Warner Brothers

This horror film changed America not only in the way of horror movies but how exorcisms are viewed.


Photo: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Photo: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

If I was stranded on a deserted island with only 3 horror movies to watch, this would be one of them. Poltergeists' "Noisey Ghosts" are often unseen and that's just spooky.

The Silence of the Lambs

Photo: Strong Heart Productions/Orion Pictures
Photo: Strong Heart Productions/Orion Pictures

What can be said about this one? Amazing. It's a must-watch if you have never seen it.



Photo: Compass International Pictures Falcon International Productions
Photo: Compass International Pictures Falcon International Productions

You didn't think I'd leave off the movie for Halloween. The birth of Michael Myers started here.

We all have our favorite horror movies that get us in the mood for Halloween. But if you've not seen any of the above, trust me when I tell you, these are going to be some new favorites for some.

Looking for even more Halloween? Take a look below at some of the cool Halloween decorations you'll see right here in Abilene.

LOOK: All These Halloween Decorated Houses Are Right Here In Abilene.

These are all homes in and Around the Big Country that go all out decorating for Halloween

Gallery Credit: Rudy Fernandez

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