Mother’s Day is only a few days away this is your fair warning to get up off the couch and go get Mom that special present that we both know she deserves. With that being said I was wondering how long we have been celebrating this special day so I took to the Internet and here is a little History Lesson from yours truly.

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Mothering Sunday, an early Christian celebration, is the most obvious modern antecedent of Mother's Day. Mothers and motherhood were celebrated by the ancient Greeks and Romans, who hosted festivals honoring the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele.

This holiday, which fell on the fourth Sunday of Lent and was formerly a significant custom in the UK and other areas of Europe, commemorated the return of the faithful to their "mother church," or the primary church close to their house, for a special service.

Happy mom carrying her little daughter
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Mothering Sunday became a more secular festival throughout time, and kids started giving their moms flowers and other small gifts as a way to show them how much they appreciated them. After a period of decline in popularity, this tradition merged with American Mother's Day in the 1930s and 1940s.

Fun Fact:
Were you aware? On Mother's Day, more calls are placed than on any other day of the year. There's a 37 percent increase in phone traffic during these Christmas conversations with Mom.


Gallery Credit: Bill Trotta

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