See The Photos Of The Monster Garfish A Guy Caught In Back Of The Civic Center In Lake Charles
Southwest Louisiana has always been labeled Sportsman's Paradise because of our beautiful wildlife, waterways, swamps, and marshes. People love to fish and hunt in Southwest Louisiana and sometimes score big with a limit of ducks or snag a huge fish on the line.
In June of this year, we reported about a shark that was caught underneath the I-210 bridge in Lake Charles. The shark was caught on rod and reel and if you didn't get a chance to see the pictures, we have the pictures here so check them out.
Have you ever been in the back of the Lake Charles Civic Center and walked along the boardwalk looking at the beautiful lake? If you have, then you have seen people fishing from the stairs in front of the water hoping to reel in a big catch. Well, that happened recently here in Lake Charles.
Saturday evening, a guy named Pablo was fishing from the stairs when his rod bent and he realized he had a monster on his hands. Little did he know that he had a monster garfish on the other end of the line.
He finally got it reeled in to see that he caught a dinosaur of a fish. According to his Facebook post, the garfish measures about six feet in length and weighs almost 100 pounds. Wow, now that is a huge gar. Check this out.
That is one big fish, right? We spoke to Pablo and he said he was using live croaker as bait. He said the rod bent and the fight was on. He said he battled the garfish for about an hour before he finally landed it.
We asked Pablo what he did with the fish and he said he made some gar steaks and gar balls to cook it up.
Beautiful Louisiana Wildlife