Okay, I've lived here in North Louisiana for most of my life. Odds are that you're the same.

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But, just living here doesn't mean that we are overly educated when it comes to Louisiana geography.


Specifically, the correct pronunciation of the names of some of the towns here in the Bayou State.

Yeah, we can get most of the ones here in the northern part of the state right, but even a few of those can make you stutter.

And those French leaning towns in south Louisiana can give even a real Cajun a little trouble.


Just take this one for example; Amite. Some say Am'eat. But others, like your brother in law's first cousin on his Mama's side, says you say it A'mit. So, which one is correct? Or are both ways wrong?

Hey, we mix in a little French and redneck to everything, so in all likelihood, unless you live there, you're probably wrong.

And Here Are The Ones Outsiders Say Are The Toughest

  • Zwolle.  Let a foreigner look at the Zwolle city limits sign and watch their eyes glaze over.
  • Ouachita. Cracks me up to hear someone trying to sound it out. O-U a cheetah.
  • Natchitoches.  Always funny when a new person here at the station tries to pronounce this one for the first time.
  • Tchoupitoulas
  • Bogue Chitto
  • Thibodaux.
  • Tchefuncte
  • Tangipahoa
  • Bogalusa
  • Dubach
  • Kickapoo
  • Coushatta.  And how often have you heard radio/television commercials that just couldn't pronounce this one right?
  • Fordoche
  • Grosse Tete
  • Keachi
  • And heck they even mispronounce Bossier City.

Just watch these California yuppies trying to pronounce a few Louisiana city names.  It's a guaranteed laugh.

The Different Types of Hunters Found in Louisiana

Here in the Sportsman's Paradise, we love to hunt! We'll hunt birds, squirrels, raccoons, deer, ducks. We even hunt frogs! And these are some of the "off the beaten path" types of hunters you'll find in Louisiana.

Gallery Credit: Gary McCoy