The kids are out of school next week; you've got family coming in for the holiday, and the biggest question you have right now is, "What am I going to do to entertain these people?"

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From fishing and all types of other water sports, to hiking, bicycling, a trampoline center, great dining, churches, public lands for bird watching or hunting, you name it, Louisiana is loaded with great entertainment ideas for the kids or those guests from out of town.

But there is one thing that tends to get over looked is actual amount of culture that Louisiana affords its residents and tourists.


Ever visited the aquarium in New Orleans or the zoos in Monroe or Alexandria? Maybe the Norton Art Gallery or the Shreveport Rose Center? Still haven't peaked your interest?

What about one of Louisiana's thirteen weirdest and most unique museums?

Oh yeah, we are loaded with museums, and weird museums for that matter.


From Mardi Gras to infamous bank robbers, death to voodoo, world renown hot sauce to doll house collections and creations from cypress swamp driftwood, Louisiana is a plethora of incredibly jaw dropping art.

Just take a little stroll with us through some of these amazing places and if we hit the end of the tour and you still haven't found anything that strikes your fancy, you and your out of town guests will probably spend most of next week playing Uno in your pajamas.

See what you think about these: Louisiana's 13 Weirdest & Most Unique Museums.

Louisiana's 13 Weirdest & Most Unique Museums

From Mardi Gras collections to infamous bank robbers, from world renown hot sauce, to death, voodoo and creations from cypress swamp driftwood, Louisiana is a plethora of incredibly jaw dropping art and you'll see it all at these weird and unique museums.

Gallery Credit: Gary McCoy