Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator is warning all Caddo residents that an old scam is making its return to the area.

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Trying to be proactive about the situation, the Sheriff took to Facebook to warn residents not to fall for this old scam which has made its way through our area several times before.

According to his Facebook post, the Sheriff warns citizens to be diligent as a number of citizens have reported that they are receiving phone calls threatening them with arrest for not complying with jury service.

From Caddo Sheriff
From Caddo Sheriff

The Sheriff explains that in the course of the call, the scammers will ask the recipient of the call to buy money cards, wire funds, or meet them in person with cash at the Caddo Parish Clerk of Court's office to avoid being sent to jail.

As mentioned each time this scam has come to our area, Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator reminds citizens that jury notices are not delivered via the phone.

Citizens should beware if they receive such a call or if the caller makes threats. Most importantly, that they would never be asked to purchase a money card or provide personal information over the phone.

The Sheriff also warns citizens to never call a number provided by the scammer.

Look up legitimate phone numbers for government offices if you have questions.

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