I recently sat in amazement as my three-year-old granddaughter took my locked cell phone who then unlocked it and began searching my photos to see if there were any of her.

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Literally thinking to myself, "How did she just do that" my amazement gave way to the realization that smartphones have been part of her entire life, so NOT knowing how to navigate through their commands would be more foreign than actually doing it.

National Survey Shows Just How Young Kids Are When They Get Phone

And now, after reading the results of a new study by securedatarecovery.com, I really wasn't shocked to learn that Louisiana parents give their children their first phone earlier than any other state in the U.S.

John Moore/Getty Images
John Moore/Getty Images

To conduct the survey, securedatarecovery.com asked parents in every state what rules and restrictions they have in place for their kids to have a smartphone, why they think their child needs a smartphone and if they wished they had given it to them earlier or later in life.

Children In Louisiana Are Youngest In America When They Get Smartphone

Some of the key takeaways from this survey were a little surprising, like the fact that on average, Louisiana kids are only 9 years old when their parents give them a smartphone.  This makes them the youngest kids in all of America to have their own phone.

Mario Tama/Getty Images
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Other interesting facts include:

  • Although Louisiana parents give their kids a smartphone by age 9 on average, they wish they would have waited until their child was 12 (a difference of 2.8 years).
  • Nationally, 1 in 5 parents wish they had given their child a smartphone later than they had.
  • For those parents who believe kids need smartphones, 95% cite wanting them to have it for an emergency followed by being able to communicate with their family (92%).

To see the full results of this survey, just go HERE to securedatarecovery.com

It's Not Fall In Louisiana Until These Unique Things Happen

According to local listeners, regardless of what the calendar might say, it's just not Fall in Louisiana until a number of things (some are pretty funny) take place. Just look at the list and you'll agree

Gallery Credit: Gary McCoy

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