High school class reunions are a big deal for many in Texas. In just a couple of years, I'll be celebrating my 30th high school reunion at Lindale. Where. Did. The. Time. Go? Our 20th reunion was a lot of fun. Not everyone could be there, unfortunately, but it was great to reconnect with the ones who were able to come. Our 30th should be a lot of fun. I said all of that because the class of a famous East Texan is getting ready to celebrate their 10th anniversary.

Whitehouse Class of 2014

Yes, the 2014 class of Whitehouse High School will have their 10 year reunion this year. The members of that class have gone on to do some great things in their life. One member of that class has gone on to become the new face of the National Football League (NFL), won three Super Bowls and will lead his Kansas City Chiefs to hopefully become the first NFL team to win three Super Bowls in a row, Patrick Mahomes.

Unfortunately, the most famous alum of the 2014 class will not be able to attend. Not because he doesn't want to be there but because his championship defending season will have begun. In an exclusive interview with People magazine, he did say that he won't be able to attend but that he is gonna send his best wishes to his classmates.

How Patrick Could Do It

Since Patrick can't be at the 10 year celebration in person, I have a feeling he'll probably record a short video of some kind to play at the party. In that video, he'll most likely offer some praise for his classmates and offer some encouragement as they continue their lives.

All of that above is speculation, of course, but is very easy to do with today's technology. 2014 Class of Whitehouse High School, congratulations on 10 years and here's to 10 more years of success in your life.

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