There are currently 300 inmates in the Nacogdoches County Jail. Two of the inmates have been arrested on charges stemming from acts that were sexual.

There was no photo available for Mongo Jarbar Fite, 49, but the list of charges includes aggravated sexual assault. That first-degree felony charge was part of a long list.

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He also violated a protective order, tampered with evidence, and used a deadly weapon in committing his crime. As damning as all of that evidence is, these are all pretrial felons and they are all innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

 Nacogdoches Man Charged With Child Indecency

Nacogdoches County Jail
Nacogdoches County Jail

26-year-old Nacogdoches resident Johnathan Rogers was arrested on Monday, June 10, 2024. He is charged with 6 felonies that all sadly have the word "child" in the title.

Three separate second-degree felony charges of Indecency with a child with sexual contact. Two third-degree felonies of indecency with a child by exposure, and just yesterday he received a first-degree felony of sexual performance by a child under 14.

If he is convicted of a first-degree felony it is a mandatory 5 years in jail and up to life in prison. However, in Texas, probation is available for all first-degree felonies, except murder.

Investigation Is Still Ongoing In This Sexual Performance Case

This first-degree felony might just be the beginning of more charges from the Nacogdoches County Sheriff's Office as the investigation continues.

Keep Reading: Nacogdoches Man Charged With Multiple Counts Of Child Indecency

There were 17 felony arrests in Nacogdoches County this week.

Read More: Felony Arrests In Nacogdoches County June 1 - 7

Felony Arrests In Nacogdoches County June 8 - 14 2024

These felony arrests happened from June 8 - June 14, 2024, in Nacogdoches County. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty.

Gallery Credit: Dan Patrick

Felony Arrests In Nacogdoches County June 1 - 7 2024

These felony arrests all happened from June 1 - June 7th 2024 in Nacogdoches County. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty.

Gallery Credit: Dan Patrick


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