We all know that there are a ton of dead malls in and around Texas. They aren't being used or torn down, they are just sitting and decaying.

When you see these huge structures just getting moldy, you wonder why they aren't repurposed. Many complications come up when anyone tries.

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Multiple owners, costs, zoning, community resistance, and other factors contribute to the problems. The unique design of malls doesn't lend itself to easily turning them into anything but...a mall.

Touring The Most Dangerous Mall In Houston

Perhaps you have heard of urban explorers before. Most people would call them trespassers with a camera.

They are out there getting photographic evidence of our childhood memories at decaying malls all over the country. TikTokers Decaying Houston took their flashlights to one such place.

The Greenspoint Mall in Houston, affectionately known as Gunspoint Mall, has been closed since 2017. It was the perfect place to roam around and reminisce.

This Is The Second Time They Got Into Greenspoint Mall

The video they took at the end of November starts in the movie theater and food court area. The theater seats are growing mold, and the entire area is just sitting frozen in time.

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There was even candy in the display, though it had already been ransacked. They go on to show us the rest of the mall before getting kicked out.

Keep Reading: The Last Movie Theater In The Oldest Town In Texas Closes

The video ends with a warning not to try to infiltrate this mall yourself. There is more than one security guard on the premises, and you will be quickly caught.

WOW! Take a Look Inside This Creepy Abandoned Mall in Dallas, TX

Abandoned since '19, Valley View Mall in Dallas, TX, aside from apparent graffiti artists, and a 2-alarm fire in February, has been empty for years. Would you like to take a look inside this once legendary North Texas mall? Yeah, me too.

18 Chain Restaurants That Are Slowly Disappearing

We all grew up loving these restaurants, but they are slowing disappearing right in front of our eyes.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

A List of 15 Big Retail Chains That Will Close Stores in '23

While consumers move more and more to online shopping, just like my wife, the landscape of stores is changing too.

Investing.com put out a list of major retailers that are cutting many of their traditional stores loose and taking on a smaller footprint.