Many Louisiana Adults Living with Severe Depression or Anxiety
A recent study just released by Tulane University’s Newcomb Institute exposes some alarming mental health concerns about many Louisiana residents. The study is based on a 2023 statewide survey that shows one in nine Louisiana adults is dealing with severe depression and/or anxiety.
Anita Raj, Executive Director of the Newcomb Institute calls it a “mental health crisis of epidemic proportions.”
“About one in eleven Louisianan’s have thought about taking their own life in just the past year. This means about 400 thousand people in our state have thought about suicide in the past year.”
And the risk seems to run higher in men, with greater than one in ten having thought about suicide in the past year. Raj says the danger is men will be less likely to seek help. If you are concerned about someone you feel might be contemplating suicide, there are alarming behaviors to watch out for.
“You can see certain signs with this. Certainly like, an increase in isolation, isolating themselves. More negative talk, and honestly, threats against themselves or others.”
Raj says that although Louisiana has a shortage of mental health providers, there is help available. She says if someone is struggling, even though they may not have plans to harm themselves, they could still be in dire need of help.

There is Help Available
If you feel like you, or someone you care about, might be struggling with thoughts of self-harm, there is help available. You can call 988 to get support, or you can share that number with someone that might need help.
Simply by calling 9-8-8, you can be immediately connected to helpful resources in your area.
You can read more about the survey by going to newcomb.tulane.edu.