Major Shakeup in Bossier City Politics as Election Candidates Finalized
SHREVEPORT, LA – It is pretty easy to see the political climate in Bossier City is changing. Most folks would attribute the change to the nearly two-year battle over term limits. Qualifying for the March 29th election wrapped up today and the city will have several new faces on the City Council.
Mayor Tommy Chandler has been re-elected to a second term. No one qualified to run against him. Chandler says he is “Thankful and Humbled” for the opportunity to serve the Citizens of Bossier City for four more years. He says he Loves Bossier City and serving as Mayor has been his “Greatest Honor.”

Three of the current City Council members have decided not the run for re-election. At large member David Montgomery, District 3 Councilman Don Williams and District 4 Councilman Jeff Free have decided not to run for another term. All 3 of these men have been fighting the push for term limits.
Here Are the Candidates Running for Bossier City Council
Councilmen at Large (2 to be elected)
Craton Cochran (Republican)
Lee A. "Gunny" Jeter Sr. (Democrat)
Chris Smith (Republican)
Councilman District 1
Brian Hammons is re-elected without opposition.
Councilman District 2
Jeff Darby (Independent)
Debra W. Ross (Democrat)
Councilman District 3
Charles L. Gray (Democrat)
Donzell Hughes (Democrat)
Cliff Smith (Republican)
Councilman District 4
Joel Girouard wins the seat. This newcomer does not have any opposition.
Councilman District 5
Ruth Pope Johnston (Republican)
Vince Maggio (Republican)
In other races, for the State Supreme Court seat in the 3rd District, Cade Cole of Lake Charles is the winner after being the only person to qualify.
For Caddo School Board District 7
Jerry Bowman will face Mariam Tamica Harley in the election.
Bowman was appointed to fill the seat on an interim basis last year when Darrin Dixon stepped down.
What Are the Deadlines for the March 29 Election?
The deadline to register to vote in person, by mail or at the OMV Office is February 26.
The deadline to register to vote online March 8.
Early voting is March 15-22 (excluding Sunday, March 16) from 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
The deadline to request an absentee ballot is March 25 by 4:30 p.m
The deadline for a registrar of voters to receive a voted absentee ballot is March 28 by 4:30 p.m.
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