On Sunday, October 13, 2024, Shreveport Fire Department Crews were dispatched at 2:38 PM to a reported house fire in the 3500 block of Sumner St. in the Queensborough Neighborhood. The 911 call was placed by the occupant of the residence.

Shreveport Fire crews arrived on scene at the one-story, wood-framed home at approximately 2:43 PM. Chief Mike Cook, Jr. (Battalion #2) reported heavy smoke visible and flames from the left side of the structure.

Shreveport Fire crews overcame the challenge of gaining access through burglar bars on doors and windows to the residence by forcible entry as they entered the residence on fire attack. The residence had a working smoke alarm inside and alerted the occupant to call 911.

The fire was contained to the bedroom area of the residence. It took the efforts of 8 Shreveport Fire Units – 24 Firefighters and support personnel, along with Signal 51 – who quickly placed this fire under control in approximately 13 minutes after arriving on scene.

There were no injuries to any Shreveport Firefighters but one (1) patient was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Smoke Alarms help save lives. If you are a resident of the City of Shreveport and need a smoke alarm, please do not hesitate to call (318) 673-6740 for a free smoke alarm and installation.

Bossier Sheriff's Office Booking Photos from October 7th - October 11th

The following booking photos are those who were booked by the Bossier Parish Sheriff's Office this week. All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty.

Gallery Credit: Bossier Parish Sheriff's Office/Canva

Caddo Correctional Center Booking Photos Sept. 28th-Oct. 4th

The following booking photos are those who were booked in to Caddo Correctional Center this week. Some of those pictured have yet to go to trial, and are considered innocent until proven guilty.

Gallery Credit: Caddo Correctional Center

Caddo Correctional Center Booking Photos September 21st-27th

The following booking photos are those who were booked in to Caddo Correctional Center this week. All those pictured are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Gallery Credit: Caddo Correctional Center

Caddo Correctional Center Booking Photos September 7th-13th

The following booking photos are those who were booked in to Caddo Correctional Center this week. All those pictured are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Gallery Credit: Caddo Correctional Center