I try to be a positive guy. I do. But, if I'm being honest, it's HARD to stay positive when you're driving around Shreveport-Bossier. Truly. Between the traffic, the potholes, the debris, the roadwork...it can drive the most sane and level-headed person absolutely crazy!

Now, I'm sure if I hit Google, I could find hundreds of communities in America that lay claim to the 'worst roads ever'. And, as someone who travels frequently, I've been on roads much worse than the ones we have locally. But man, some mornings/afternoons, I feel like I need a dentist or punching bag after driving around.

What Are The Worst Roads to Drive On in Shreveport-Bossier?

I asked that exact question on Facebook not too long ago. And aside from a few expletive filled rants, one of the more common responses was "wouldn't it be easier to list off the roads that aren't terrible to drive on?". That response is both funny and somewhat true.

When it comes to putting together this list, one roadway instantly pops to mind: I-20 between the radio station (off Westport Ave in Shreveport) and Airline Drive in Bossier.

I get it - DOTD is doing a lot of work right now. They're diligently working to try and make driving on 20 a more pleasant experience in the future. But, man, the few times I've driven on 20 recently has aged me 10 years. Between the narrow roads ways, the truckers on 20 that aren't supposed to be and the folks that have turned the construction area into their own personal game of "chicken"...it HAS to be at the top of the list of anger inducing roads in Shreveport-Bossier.

READ MORE: Most Dangerous Intersections in Shreveport-Bossier

And that is just the tip. There are several others I absolutely HATE driving. For various reasons. You can check out my personal list below. But, if you there's a road that you drive on that drives you crazy, feel free to tell us about it on our free mobile app - which you can download below.

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The Most Anger Inducing Roads in Shreveport-Bossier

I try to be a positive guy. I do. But, if I'm being honest, it's HARD to stay positive when you're driving around Shreveport-Bossier. Truly. Between the traffic, the potholes, the debris...it can drive the most sane and level-headed person absolutely crazy! 

What States Have the Worst Roads

Where does Louisiana fall on the list of shabby roads?

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