Stolen Texas Dinosaurs Headed for Louisiana?
If you drive the interstate highway system between Louisiana and Texas on a regular basis you will see some strange things. Oh, and you'll see some road construction too. I can vouch from personal experience that the portion of I-10 between the Louisiana line and Beaumont, Texas has been under construction since just after Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto.
Okay, maybe the construction hasn't been going on that long but some of the travelers that could be riding those roads between Louisiana and Texas could be considerably older, as in millions of years old. Okay, they're not really that old they are just made to look that way.
Why yes, I am speaking of dinosaurs. But before you go re-watch Jurassic Park to figure out the best way to capture a loose dinosaur I should tell you that these dinosaurs are "real". They're real life-like replicas and they belong to Jurassic Extreme Houston.
Unfortunately, the trailer that houses the replica dinosaurs has been stolen.
The dinosaurs and their trailer were discovered missing over the weekend. And it is entirely possible the ne'er-do-wells who pilfered the prehistoric props could be moving them through Louisiana.
KHOU TV in Houston is reporting the trailer is very non-descript. It appears to be just a basic white utility trailer. Based on photos taken by surveillance video at Jurassic Extreme Houston the trailer appears to connected to a large black pickup truck.
From what we've learned through Facebook commentary this not the first time the trailer has been compromised. A commenter on the Jurassic Extreme Houston FB page is suggesting that the trailer was broken into last year. Some "baby dinosaurs" as well as sound and light equipment were taken then.
If you see any vehicles that match these descriptions or look similar to the photos we've included in this article contact Jurassic Extreme Houston or the Texas Department of Public Safety. You might also reach out to your local law enforcement agency as well.
The business is offering a reward and if you'd like to find out about that you may reach out via Facebook or call this number, CONTACT INFORMATION: (713) 322-9509 (call or text).
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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells