The 8 Most Annoying Types of Facebook Posts in Louisiana
About ten or so years ago we all decided that the rest of the world needed to know more about our personal business so we all jumped on the social media bandwagon. For some of us that might have meant a brief visit to the pages of Myspace. But by far the majority of us moved on from that platform and here we sit, a decade later in the "Metaverse" known as Facebook.
The idea behind Facebook is pretty simple. It was designed so people could keep up with their social circle. Unfortunately for a lot of us, we didn't know when to say when and we allowed our social circles to be all-encompassing. Most of us have "friends" on Facebook that we wouldn't recognize out of a police lineup if they were the only suspects.
And as humans like to do, the more we include the more reasons we look to exclude and Facebook is a microcosm of exactly what pisses us off and what annoys us. Oh, and some of you guys have taken the annoying part of the social media equation to an even higher level.
I recently came across an article published by Huffington Post some ten years ago. The article was about the kinds of Facebook posts that annoy us the most. We've used that as a reference and decided to put a Louisiana spin on it as well. Oh, and if you discover as I did that the same kind of posts that annoyed us in 2013 still annoy us in 2023 you'll see that we really haven't progressed that much in ten years.
8 Types of Facebook Post Than Annoy Just About Everyone