The Mysterious Legends of Chretien Point Plantation in Sunset, Louisiana
With so many world-famous creepy legends throughout South Louisiana, the haunted, mysterious history of Chretien Point Plantation in Sunset, La can sometimes get overlooked.
We're always up for creepy stories and haunted legends, so we started digging around for more information about the Hippolyte Chretien Point Plantation and after learning more, we're a little shocked more people don't talk about this place.
If you like stories about hidden treasure, smugglers, murder, and hauntings, then you're in the right place.
Hippolyte Chretien Point Plantation In Sunset
Hippolyte Chretien began construction of the home in 1831 and completed the two-story, 12 room mansion in 1835. The sprawling columned mansion was the centerpiece of Chretien's then 3,000-acre cotton plantation.
Once the mansion was completed in 1835, Hippolyte Chretien's wife Félicité moved into the palatial two-story brick home.
Félicité Chretien was unlike most women of her time. Born Félicité Neda in New Orleans, she was a fiercely independent and strong-willed woman.
In fact, she is often referred to as "The Real Life Scarlett O'Hara".
Growing up, Félicité's father raised her to participate in activities that at the time were considered acceptable only by men. Félicité's father shared his authority with her and she "worked side by side with her father in the management of his plantation" according to chretienpoint.com.
From chretienpoint.com -
Madame Chretien was a renowned beauty whose dark eyes and husky laugh had attracted several admirers. Though it was widely known that she was an unusually independent lady who traveled unchaperoned to New Orleans, rode her horse astride like a man.
It is reported that Hippolyte and Félicité often fought over his refusal to make her an equal partner in business matters.
Another point of contention between the couple was that Hippolyte would secretly bury large sums of money on property grounds, something Félicité repeatedly requested he stop doing according to onlyinyourstate.com.
Hippolyte Chretien was known for allowing smugglers to "use his land to distribute contraband in order to avoid taxes. These shady folks were welcomed into the home and Felicite befriended them, most famously Jean Lafitte."
Hippolyte didn't get to enjoy his newly built St. Landry Parish mansion for very long, dying of yellow fever in 1839.
After Hippolyte's death, Madame Chretien took full control of the plantation, in addition to raising her four children.
During a time when women weren't allowed to be the head of a household, much less own and operate a plantation, Madame Chretien did exactly that and did so very successfully.
According to chretienpoint.com -
"Felicité was a hands-on supervisor. Her days were spent checking the progress of her crops, caring for her four children, and seeing to the needs of her slaves. In the evenings she continued to enjoy lively card games at her table."
Madame Chretien was known far and wide for her nightly high-stakes poker games held at the Chretien Point Plantation. Felicité hosted many poker games with her friend, the notorious Jean Lafitte.
Legend has it that Félicité eventually found all of the money her late husband had buried on the property. That coupled with successfully running the plantation as well as being a very good poker player, Madame Chretien became a very wealthy and powerful woman.
As word spread of the single Madame Chretien living alone and with considerable wealth, she reportedly became the target for many thieves and marauders. This apparently was no problem for Félicité.
According to numerous stories, many times Madame Chretien defended her property, shooting and killing many who tried.
Some of those thieves are said to haunt the Chretien Point Plantation, still looking for the treasures they lost their lives for.
During the Civil War, Chretien Point Plantation was the site of the Battle of Buzzard's Prairie, October 15, 1863, as well as the Battle of Bayou Bourbeux November 3, 1863.
Is Chretien Point Plantation Haunted?
Many people believe so. According to chretienpoint.com "Madame Chretien’s portrait adorns Chretien Point’s dining room and some locals believe her spirit still wanders through the house."
In addition to Madame Chretien's spirit wandering the plantation house, many believe the ghost of a thief Félicité shot and killed on the stairway also haunts the home, still searching for the riches he died for.
Not only do these spirits reportedly roam the Chretien Point Plantation, but there's also the legend of money and treasures rumored to still be buried on the property.
Although Madame Chretien found the hidden fortunes buried by her late husband, it's believed that not everything was found.
There could be even more caches of treasure hidden around the property, buried by some of the smugglers Hippolyte Chretien let use the land to distribute contraband in an effort to avoid taxes.
One of those smugglers whose buried treasure is believed to still be on the property was...Jean Lafitte.
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