Louisiana Named 2024’s Least Safe State in America
Generally speaking, most people feel safe in Louisiana. However, statistics show otherwise.
The latest report from the personal finance website WalletHub ranked 2024's Safest States in America and the Bayou State didn't fare too well. Actually, Louisiana came in last out of all the states.
How was the list of Safest States in America put together?
In determining the list, WalletHub compared the 50 states across 52 key metrics. The data set ranges from assaults per capita to the total loss amount from climate disasters per capita to the employment rate.
Some of Louisiana's rankings
Here are some of the key metrics and how Louisiana ranked in each area.
- Overall rank for Louisiana: 50th
- 50th - Murders & Non-Negligent Manslaughters per Capita
- 46th - Assaults per Capita
- 47th - Loss Amounts from Climate Disasters per Capita
- 28th - Job Security
- 45th - Fatal Occupational Injuries per 100,000 Full-Time Workers
- 42nd - Fatalities per 100 Million Vehicle Miles of Travel
- 37th - Bullying Incidence Rate
- 17th - Sex Offenders per Capita
- 29th - Share of Uninsured Population
Which are the safest states in 2024?
The top 5 safest states in 2024 are as follows:
- Vermont
- New Hampshire
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Utah
WalletHub analyst Chip Lupo had this to say about the safest states in America:
The safest states in America protect their residents from harm in a multitude of different ways, from keeping crime rates low and maintaining safe roadways to having strong economies and job markets that prevent people from falling into dangerous financial situations. They have high levels of occupational safety and disaster preparedness, too. In addition, states are made safer by efforts that individual residents take, such as forming a neighborhood watch or working in firefighting and EMT jobs at high rates.
To view WalletHub's complete report of the Safest States in America (2024), click here.
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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikels