Lafayette, LA (KPEL News) - 2024 is shaping up to be a tumultuous year in politics. Conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, red states and blue states... every voter has a side and an opinion. Louisiana and her cities are certainly no stranger to political upheaval or claim-staking.

The Bayou State has already seen changes in state leadership that are upsetting the proverbial applecart. The top tier of government has been overtaken by Republicans, and the shift to more conservative policies under the administration of Governor Jeff Landry has begun.

Landry has promised crime reform and tighter spending, and he hopes to deliver on those promises in the two upcoming Legislative sessions.

Nationally, we are watching a bitter battle between the right and the left as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump jockey for position in the minds of voters. Biden is being lambasted for his alleged memory issues, while Trump faces challenges to his inclusion on the presidential ticket.

Nearly 50% if Louisiana registered voters claim no allegiance to either party on paper, but they do admit to having conservative beliefs: greater limits to spending, smaller government, and immigration reform.

Of the states 2,976,892 voters, 33.9% are registered Republican and 27.6% are registered Democrat.

It's safe to say that the majority of Louisiana voters lean further to the right, even if they haven't officially donned the red party attire.

According to data compiled by, more than 75% of the voters in the 11 Louisiana municipalities listed below are registered Republican.

Most Conservative Cities in Louisiana 2024

Gallery Credit: TRACY WIRTZ

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