Tis the season to put those adorable reindeer antlers and red nose on your car. I have to admit, I really enjoy seeing cars with the antlers, I think it's so adorable!

While everyone wants to get their car in the holiday spirit as well, how much Christmas spirit is too much for your car? For instance, can you add full on Christmas lights to your car in Texas?

What Texas Laws Say About decorating your car with Christmas Lights
Rick Car

The internet had a wide variety of answers ranging from "nope" to "certainly!" Over on a forum that lists some of the rules on the Texas Transportation code, it doesn't specifically say "no Christmas lights whatsoever." It does mention "beams with an intensity brighter than 300 candlepower", flashing light and emergency sirens are a no-no.

Texas Car Laws about Decorating with Christmas Lights
Sonny Mauricio via Unpslash

Some of the major rules that you must follow include:

  • No Flashing or Red/Blue Lights in the Front: Flashing lights, especially red or blue, are generally reserved for emergency vehicles. Using these colors could lead to confusion or legal issues.
  • Visibility Matters: Decorations should not obscure your license plate, headlights, taillights, or windows. Anything that interferes with your ability to drive safely or makes your car less visible to other drivers can be considered a violation.
  • Power Source: Make sure the lights are powered safely. Battery-operated lights are a good option, as they don't require complex wiring that could interfere with the car's electrical system.
  • Secure Attachment: Decorations must be securely fastened to avoid falling off and creating a road hazard.
  • Check Local Laws: While state laws provide general guidelines, local ordinances may vary. It's a good idea to double-check with your city or county for specific regulations.
What Texas law says about decorating your car with Christmas lights
Sonny Mauricio via Unsplash

By following these guidelines, you can spread holiday cheer without running into trouble on the road!

Drive Thru These Bright Christmas Light Parks In East Texas (2024)

Round up the family, it's time for a road trip to check out the Christmas light parks in East Texas.

Gallery Credit: Lucky Larry, Mix 93-1

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