Yesterday was Kaci's birthday, and we decided what better way in the SBC to spend the b-day than Holiday in Dixie!

Even though it was Kaci's day of birth, we went to the event with only one goal in mind... Win a ton of stuffed animals for our three-year-old, River. You can get to know River a little bit here and here.

The day started with one of the biggest rides in Festival Plaza. We decided to knock that out first so I would throw up my turkey leg that I was about to gobble up. Eight coupons well spent!

Then, to the carnival games.

Now, let it be know, I'm notorious for being the best of all time at these games. It's not that I have any special carni-talent, I just seem to always get lucky. 20 bucks later, we've got  about seven large stuffed animals and our mission is almost accomplished.

As we walk, we found another ride to take down. Now I'm fairly certain this was a little kid ride. We're talking 12 kids lined up in front of us, and maybe one is older than six years old. But it's the ride the birthday girl wanted, so as we say in Shreveport, "Less Ride!"

During this kiddy ride, I notice a sign on the fence surrounding Festival Plaza. That sign led to this.


A video posted by Jay (@jaywhatley) onApr 12, 2015 at 2:12pm PDT


A video posted by Jay (@jaywhatley) onApr 12, 2015 at 2:11pm PDT

Finally, we ended the day with a little basketball. You know nthe basketball carnival game where the goal is like 12 ft high and looks normal front the front, but from the side, the rim is incredibly morphed! You can barely fit an egg through it much less a super inflated basketball.

Well on this day, I simply would not take no for an answer. After watching many try and fail to claim a monster prize,  it was my turn. I paid five bucks for six shots but I would only need one. I take the shot.... Drain it. The crowd in disbelief. Kaci stood next to me (hands full of stuffed animals) shouting "THAT'S MY MAN"

Overall, we had a blast. Holiday in Dixie is in town until the 19th, don't miss out!


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