Jocks In The Box – Meeting New Friends
Day 2,
I miss my toilet... ok I miss a lot of things about my home but I really miss my toilet! But it's worth every second living in this box raising toys for local kids with Operation Santa Claus!
We've met a lot of amazing people today but one has stuck with me all day. We had a young father come out to bring us hot chocolate this morning and apologized for not being able to bring us toys. After talking with him for a while he told me that his kids will be benefiting from Operation Santa Claus and was embarrassed about it... that broke my heart.
We have all gone through hard times and we've all been in a situation where we needed help. If you're doing everything you can to help your kids have a better life there's nothing to be embarrassed about! I'm proud to be helping these parents make sure their families have a magical Christmas this year!
We had a great day of collecting toys but still a long ways to go! We need Bikes!! If you can't donate bikes even several toys from the dollar store would be fantastic. Please help us help the kids of the SBC have a Merry Christmas! #JocksInTheBox
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