Robert Finley is a Winnsboro, Louisiana native, a Vietnam War Veteran, and he's blind.

Finley recently advanced to the quarterfinals of America's Got Talent contest TV show.  He's 65 years old and only recently began pursing his singing career.  When Robert was young his father was a share cropper so he had to start helping on the farm at a young age to help support the family.  Music was always his first love, but it had to take a back seat to his responsibilities.

Here's Robert singing one of his original songs:

I was watching the AGT quarterfinals last night with my family, and when we heard this guy was from Louisiana it peaked our curiosity. We've watched the show on a casual basis this season, and haven't seen Mr. Finely perform until last night.

I've always taught my kids to "rep the Boot" so anytime someone is from home, they instantly become our favorite and rooting interest.

Here he is performing another original on the Quarterfinals last night:

Robert is consistently getting standing ovations and the judges dig his stage presence and songs.  It's up to America is he moves on to the semi-finals.

So I'm making a call out to everyone reading this article, "rep the Boot", and vote for Robert Finley every AGT leading up to the final.  I know I will be!

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