This New Louisiana Law Could Fix the National Shipping Crisis

If you are tired of making trip after trip to the store only to be disappointed to find that the one thing you need the most is out of stock? That seems to have been happening a lot lately, but that might be about to change - and the great state of Louisiana might just be ground-zero for the end of our long national nightmare: The shipping crisis.
Unless you live in a stocked warehouse full of the goods the rest of the world has been going without, I'm sure you've felt the sting of going without a few essentials over the past couple of years. The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a cascade of failures in the shipping chain crucial to transporting goods across the planet. At the crux of this issue was our lack of truck drivers necessary to get our stuff from the giant container ships at the port to the stores we shop in.
Now, a new law in Louisiana may just alleviate that issue by allowing our ports to accept bigger and longer loads to leave those ports. Landline Media is reporting that Governor John Bel Edwards just signed into immediate effect a law that will allow big rigs in our state to double up on their capacity. The new law frees up truckers to get permitted to carry tandem loads. That means that the big haulers can now (with the proper permit) carry 2, full size cargo trailers. Proponents say that this will ease the crunch caused by a lack of drivers immediately.
There are some restrictions on where these doubled-up big rigs can drive, but even with those exceptions - the expectation is that consumers should start to notice the increased availability of pretty much everything in stores very soon.