Louisiana's new child safety seat law goes into affect next week. Here's everything you need to know.

As a father of two precious little girls, I certainly believe there's no such thing as too much safety for our little ones. I'm excited about this new law that goes into affect here in Louisiana starting August 1st. This new law is widely believed to be the very best in the country, so finally, Louisiana is clearly doing something right.

Here are some of the highlights from the law so you can make sure you're doing everything right come August 1st:

  • Children under the age of 2 years will be restrained in a rear facing child safety seat.
  • A child who is at least 2 years old and has outgrown the rear facing seat will be restrained in a forward facing restraint system with a internal harness.
  • A 4 year old child who has outgrown the forward facing, internal harness system shall be restrained in a belt positioning child booster seat.
  • At nine years old children who have outgrown the booster seat may use the adult safety belt fastened correctly.
  • Children younger than 13 must be in the rear seat of a vehicle when available and properly restrained.

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