5 Things Mom Really Wants This Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is this Sunday and more than likely you're doing some last-minute scrambling to find an appropriate gift. Here's the real deal, you don't have to spend a mint to make momma happy! Here are five things that mom wants that don't require you to smash your piggy bank.
1. Clean the House
If you think we like sweeping, mopping, laundry, and all that fun stuff, you're wrong. Give momma the day off. Heck, give her the weekend off so she's not worried about the neighbors stopping by and seeing the pig sty!
2. Feed Her!
Feed momma... and while you're at it, feed yourself, too. It's the gift that keeps on giving. You get something you presumably like to eat and she doesn't have to listen to, 'What's for dinner?' You don't have to go out to eat, try firing up the grill!
3. Spend Some Quality Time With Mom
Do you know what mom wants more than anything? Quality time with you. That means actually putting the phone down...
4. Make Mom's Life Easier
If mom's older, why don't you mow her lawn or take care of her garden? If you see something that needs doing, why don't you do it? Pull those weeds from her flower beds! Any break from the everyday grind will be highly appreciated, I promise!
5. Something Handmade/From the Heart
I'm not saying mom doesn't like jewelry or flowers, but something cool that you put time and effort into trumps all. One thing I've done in the past is to transform an old horse watering tank into a planter for her front yard to cover up a stump. It's something she wants, but doesn't want to do herself!
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