Must Have Amazon Prime Day Deals for Parents
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Amazon's Prime Days has unofficially taken over for Black Friday this year. Maybe it's too early to call, but it seems like the physically-being-there-to-fist-fight-for-a-cheap-TV tradition we celebrate the day after Thanksgiving might be taking a year off due to our current pandemic crisis. With just as many (if not more) deals, the safety of shopping at home in our underwear while drinking a glass of wine, and to-your-door delivery - buying from Amazon has a certain appeal this year.
While the Prime Day deals are in literally every category of product the site has to offer, the essential items they offer parents have especially piqued my interest. Honestly, there are more must-haves for moms and dads than I have time to list - so I have narrowed it down to my top 3.
I love to get in the kitchen with the kids. We have a blast making a mess, and they're learning an essential skill - how to cook for dad when he gets old (and themselves, I guess). Keeping it lighthearted and fun is key to keeping them interested, and I love these aprons for that fact alone. Dress for success has never been more important than when dinner is on the line.
If you have an infant or a young child, keeping an eye on them has never been easier than it is in 2020. The latest in camera and surveillance is at parent's disposal, and it looks like all of it got packed in to one package here. Not only will this modern marvel help you watch your little one from the other room - you can watch from around the world using a secure app! That means you can keep an eye on your babysitter as well! This camera package lets you pan, tilt, and zoom remotely - plus it has a night vision mode!
Finally, if you're doing it all for the 'Gram - this is a must have! Consider this a backdrop for the cutest little Insta-model you know. Get your little bundle of joy dressed up, plop them down on this beautiful mat, and make sure the indicator is placed on the right age and viola! Perfect basic-baby post!