Netflix Announces Return of Ozark
While many of us binged "You" and are anxiously waiting for Season 3, there is another Netflix show that has had us all waiting, not so patiently. Maybe the release date will keep us at bay and going back to our "safe" shows. Now would be a great time for Netflix to bring "Friends:" back, just saying.
It seems that Netflix has slim pickings these days. Doesn't it feel like there isn't much worth watching on Netflix? Maybe I binge way too much. That's probably why I can't contain my excitement for the return of "Ozark".
Netflix has finally announced the return date for Season 3 of Jason Bateman and Laura Linney‘s award-winning drama, "Ozark". Season 2 was a nail biter, the series ended with the Byrde family purchasing a riverboat casino to keep their crime spree alive. I don't know how Season 3 can top Season 2, but I am ready.
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