Powerball Lottery Hits $403 Million Tonight!
Have you ever wanted to be rich? I've tried the whole "poor as dirt" thing, and I think I might give being loaded a try.
Tonight, the Powerball Lottery is up to $403 million dollars. That would be a good start for my "rich enough to justify being a jerk" fund. I am a "cash option kind of guy," which would leave me just $244 Million for the lump sum payment. I've done the math, and if I'm willing to settle for discount yachts and bargain bin Cristal - I can eek by on the money. I'll probably have to get a part time job though.
If you are a penny pincher, maybe you will opt to get the 20, yearly payments of around $20 million a piece. It's been a while wince someone in Louisiana has won the Jackpot, but about 47 folks in the Bayou State have won the $1 million prize since 1995. Either way, if you win at all - you can start buying the fancy ramen noodles!