Shreveport Group Wants to Educate People on Trap, Neuter, Return Program
According to KTBS, a Shreveport group called Alley Cat Allies are holding a free seminar about the TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) Program this Friday, August 4th. The location of the seminar will be at the Catholic Diocese on Fairfeild Avenue in Shreveport at 6 p.m.
The TNR program is a much better solution than the alternative which could result in euthanasia. According to Have A Hart, the entire TNR process costs around $50 where as to euthanize a cat would cost $100 per cat.
Think about it. The cats aren't hurting anything. They are probably dwindling the rat and pest population.
KTBS also reports that you much RSVP at Caddotnrevent@gmail.com.