Shreveport Opera Performs Adult Only Production Start this Thursday
According to the Shreveport Times, the Shreveport Opera is working on "adult only" shows that will feature "a modern, cutting-edge production of love, lust and comedic fantasies".
I bet you are wondering what the cutting-edge production of love consists of?
Well the show is called "Art After Dark" and it is broken up into two different small stories with one called "Companion" from what I gather from the article covered by the Shreveport Times is that it involves android robots. And the other half called "Safe Word" and will feature a dominatrix performance.
This is NOT a family event. There will profanity and mature content. This is a 21 and up event.
Shreveport Times says that the show will cost you $30, and you will receive one complimentary beer or wine with the purchase of your ticket. Seating is limited so get your ticket fast.
Not gonna lie, I am looking into going to see the show. Growing up I was raised on musical productions even the risque ones.
I started dancing when I was 4 at a small family owned dance studio in Chandler, Texas. I then went on to compete on a dance team and as a soloist. I danced through out grade school and into college as an Apache Bell at Tyler Junior College.
I remember telling my mom when I was a kid that I wanted to dance in Las Vegas and then we watched Show Girls. That probably wasn't the best example to see what the life was like as a Vegas Showgirl, but I fell in love with musicals. I would watch Cats, Wicked, and Chicago over and over and listen to them on CDs. It was just apart of my childhood and who I am now. Apart of me wishes I went on to pursue a career in it.
Nonetheless, the productions will take place on February 8th and 9th, and then again on the 15th and 16th. The show will start at 7 p.m. at the JR Gallery & Performance Space on Commerce St in downtown Shreveport, according to Shreveport Times.
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